Cyber addiction

The only meaningless relationship these days everybody cherishes is with their Wifi, because there is a CONNECTION….
Well, the Cyber addicts never die out of addiction but they definitely go “offline”….or “offtrack.”
What do I mean by this?
- Checking Facebook or insta or twitter after every few hours.
- Posting selfies or stories on social media and to keep checking for the likes and comments.
- While studying you hear a text tone and immediately you get distracted and start checking your messages.
- Procrastinating because you were busy browsing.
These habits can be a major distraction in life. Having said this, the truth also is that using these facilities is not wrong, the internet can also be very helpful to us in many ways but the obsession is something that we have to be aware of. If it starts hampering our daily life, then that’s an issue that needs to be addressed asap. Otherwise it may have some adverse impacts like…
- Suffering from mood swings, loneliness or feeling irritated all the time.
- Not feeling excited or energetic to do your routine tasks. You may find everything boring.
- It affects academic performance.
- It causes physical impairments, such as dry eyes, headaches and lack of sleep.
- You will lose track of time. You won’t be able to prioritize your life and stick to your schedules.
- And using the internet may become your only hobby.
Many times we see a group of people sitting together but their heads are buried in the phone. Rather than having a delightful conversation or a hearty laugh. If you feel you are one of them or turning into one, here are a few bullets for you.
- Schedule a specific time of the day when you can leisurely browse or play games.
- Having certain ground rules at home can help tremendously. Like creating no tech zone areas, for example, in the dining area while having a meal or at night in the bedroom. Dedicate some time to your family and it will do wonders.
- No internet usage at least 1 hour before going to bed.
- If going for a jog, walk in the park or a gym, leave your phone in the bag/pocket during exercise.
- Recreational activities can be very refreshing. Like listening to music, dancing, reading, baking, board games with family members etc