Give your 100%

Does it happen with you that you don’t always get what you have been expecting?
Do you lament over it? Asking…
Why? How is this possible? I gave in my 100%!!!
Do you ever wonder how you slog and slog yet you don’t produce desired results. You must have sacrificed your fun time with friends, your screen time, your hobby classes, your sleep etc…
Probably you end up feeling frustrated that you sacrificed so much for the sake of your studies and yet could not produce a great outcome.
Some may even think of giving up saying, “What’s the point?” and next time you may not push yourself off the limits.
But dear friends, are you wholly and solely 100% involved in what you want to do?
Say for example you are studying Physics and it is tough. You get frustrated and bored. Screaming out loud you say “I need a break, when is this going to get overrrr.”
Maybe you start thinking of your favorite holiday destination, good food, relaxing and lots of shopping”. So, how is it that you have given 100% into Physics?
Giving 100% does not apply only to studies, but to everything that we do everyday. If you are handed some chores to complete, is your entire focus on the work or are you doing it half-heartedly, mechanically and your thoughts are somewhere else?
Give yourself completely in what you are doing. If you are traveling in a vehicle observe the scenes around you. If you are playing a sport, be in that game, without thinking of the future and past occurrences.
If you are sitting with your parents and they are trying to make conversation but you are lost in your thoughts. So, learn to BE in the MOMENT. This means to give 100%.
With this practice you will realize that your distractions will diminish and your results will be surprisingly better.