How do I know if a particular friend is good for me or not?

It’s not about the number of friends you can COUNT. It’s all about how many friends you can COUNT ON. It is not about the quantity but the quality of friends you have that matters.
Think of someone who is really close to you, whom you consider as your best friend. Now think,
- Has this person been with you even in your worst of times?
- Has this friend always been honest with you to tell where you are WRONG?
- Have they always covered up your lie or have they NOT supported you in your lie?
- Have they always been available to you whenever you needed them?
If it is a yes to all the above, then you are totally blessed with a great friend in life.
A good friend not only sticks with you through thick and thin but also becomes your source of positivity.
Someone who helps you to grow and develop life skills.
Someone who can tell you the truth, not what you like to hear but also things that you need to hear.
A friend should be able to inspire you and encourage you in the right direction.
When you look for these qualities in your best friend, know that someone else too is searching for the same in you.
So, do you have a friend like this in your life? Or are you this kind of a friend to someone else?