Why do parents think low grades are the end of the world?

Are your parents scandalized with your academic performance? Do they say you can’t have a good future because of bad grades? Most of the parents and our society has formed a standardized equation that,
Good grades = good job = lot of money = supporting family = great life
Thus everyone strives for A’s. The rise in competition for getting through to good colleges, getting good placements has put immense pressure on many students to score good grades.
Which is why it feels like an end of the world if they don’t perform well or excel in studies.
So, Let’s end this world?
Let me name a few famous personalities that you surely must have heard of, Bill Gates, Johnny Depp, Steve Jobs, Albert Einstein, Sachin Tendulkar, Alia Bhatt, Kareena Kapoor and the list goes on. These are the ones who have achieved unfathomable amounts of wealth and success without succeeding in a classroom.
So, what have they done differently? Even though Sachin Tendulkar did not perform well in the classroom he dedicated sweat and blood to cricket. He would practice for 12 hrs a day, doing it happily and not considering it as a torture.
Kareena Kapoor Khan post pregnancy would workout for 10 hrs a day for her next film.
Bill Gates during his lunch breaks would learn about programming and spend hours in his garage experimenting. This is how he was able to launch his first venture, at the age of 16.
What defines us is not our grades but
- our skills
- The hard work we put in
- Our willingness to learn constantly to improve ourselves.
- Overcoming obstacles
- Adapting and innovating
- And handling rejections
“ Success consists of going from failure to failure without loss of enthusiasm”
– Winston Churchill.