Why don’t my parents understand me?

Welcome to NORMAL teenagehood, if you have asked this question many times.
Do your discussions with your parents always end up with yelling and arguments?
There can be some really petty arguments over
- Why are you wearing ripped jeans?
- Not prioritizing homework and screen time.
- Why such less grades?
- Why are you so lazy? Do something productive…
- Curfew timings.
And you may find your parents unreasonable and headstrong at times. But the fact is that they may be more willing to listen to you than you think. It is all about how you present your case. There are ways by which you can come to a common ground, so that everyone is satisfied.
- First, get control of your emotions. Assess the issue and see how it makes you feel, whether you feel hurt, embarrassed or sad. Because if you yell and argue, it will only worsen the case.
- If you remain calm, it proves that you are willing to hear them out and only then they will be willing to listen to you.
- Brainstorm solutions, like how you can tackle their edginess.
- By communicating on a more mature level, you will realize that their opinions may not be as far away from yours.
- Understand, not all differences need to be discussed. You need to let go sometimes, to realize how small the problem was.